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Month: March 2021

“Come and Gone”

“Come and Gone”

“When seeking out on a Journey, do not seek out the advice from those who have never left home.” RUMI This is a tough entry for me. Having realized that, I know that I want to write about it so here it goes. I have been working as a palliative care doctor in times of COVID for the last year now. I have seen it all. Patients dying alone in ICUs. Families having to say good bye via phone, skype,…

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“Human Experience”

“Human Experience”

What is Toxic Positivity? Have you heard of it? We live in a society that wants to feel good all the time, and it wants to feel good right now. We watch movies that end well to such an extent that market research of a movie release comes from how the test audience liked the ending. If they don’t like it, they will make an alternate ending. What are we doing to ourselves? Where in life do we get second…

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Some of you may know that I have a coaching program. It includes two weekly live yoga sessions. This is not with just any instructor I could find. They are the best yoga teachers I have ever worked with in the past 30 years that I have been practicing yoga.  Last week, I had the opportunity to log in and attend one of those live sessions myself. It was out of this world. That particular session was taught by Ami….

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“Your Why”

“Your Why”

I am someone who… How are you doing? March 1st is here already. How did that go? We talked about not having a new year’s resolution. We talked about trying to give up “self judgement” for lent. This got me thinking. How have you been doing? Are you sticking with your plan of whatever you had conjured up for yourself? My second quarterly program is starting on March 28th. It’s a 12 week program on Time and Clutter management. Like…

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