“If you need a sign,
this is it.”
Faryal Michaud
I loved the movie Serendipity. I know, it is such a perfect little romantic comedy, isn’t it? It came out at the time of my life that I was all about romantic comedies.
The story is about two people who loved each other deeply in a love at first sight kind of way, split up and then spent the next 10 years looking for each other even though they had moved on with other people in their lives. With doing so, they kept running into things and signs that reminded them of each other. No spoilers here, but they get back together.
One day I will write about my love story with my husband. Anyone who’s heard our story says I should write a book about it. Maybe a chapter of a book but not a whole book. It is a pretty remarkable story, I agree.
Our story was very similar to that movie. Neither one of us is superstitious. Neither one of us believes in signs. Yet, we kept seeing signs when we were apart. Then we got back together.
Then we realised something strange.
We still see signs.
Like we text each other bizarrely at the exact same time. Or we cross the road as I am heading to yoga (before COVID) and he’s coming back from windsurfing. Or I am thinking of him while doing work, and he pops in at that very moment and sees how I am doing at that very moment.
Here’s my realization: there are no signs really.
When we truly believe and want things really deeply, stuff manifests in our lives. Has that happened for you?
Like when you are learning a new language and the second you learn a word you hear it used the next day. How is that?
So last week I was telling a different FB group that physicians who are also life coaches (I am one) are no longer rare like unicorns. But they are rare like Hawaiian state fish:
Common but yet still pretty amazing to find. Spectacular every single time you come across one.
I mentioned it and last night she ran into the name in her kids story book and she posted the picture in this group here.
We literally ‘find what we are looking for’. Even when we think we are not looking for it.
I am bringing this all up to tell you this:
If there are things that your heart truly desires (I cannot tell you what they are, only you know)
Go after them. Life is super short.
Let me be the sign you are looking for. So often, I will write a long passage and someone mentions how I was talking to them. Or that they really needed to read that entry that day.
Here is your sign. If you are looking for one.
Go for it. The love of your life. Your dream job. Your dream vacation. Your dream future.
Today, I learned that one of my best friend’s sister in laws who was 57 years old died from complications of COVID. She was so close to her daughter who was now just going to college. She kept talking about going on these grand vacations when her daughter went off to college.
She was intubated and not aware of her surroundings for the past 3 weeks. Family kept talking to her about the trip she was going to take when she came through her illness.
Here’s your sign.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserves your love and affection. Go after it.
So much love to you all