“To Change or Not to Change”
“Don’t let the concept of change scare you as much as the prospect of remaining unhappy.”
I don’t know who needs to hear that bit of advice.
I know change is hard. It’s the unknown and uncharted territory. Believe me I know. I also know that we are given one precious life, and to live it fully we have to know our worth. Do change to be in a better situation (at work, with relationships or circumstances).
I feel like we forget how much we have in our lives right now. Remember how hard you tried to get to be exactly where you are?
It’s so easy to focus on how things are wrong vs how things are right. If you dislike a situation: try to change it, leave it or accept it.
There is no fourth option.
I really try my hardest to see the good in every situation. Even my failed relationships and lost friendships.
But sometimes you have to walk away.
There were people in my life that all the love and compassion in the world could not make our interaction any more harmonious. It felt strained and misguided.
I loved them, I forgave them and I moved on.
Intentionally. Sometimes you need to do that.
Because the fact is you truly are the sum of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. But also knowing that you can give hurtful people the power to bring you to their level, should be enough awareness to walk away.